What is Olympus ODMS Software?
ODMS, which stands for Olympus Dictation Management System,
is a complete dictation and transcription management suite designed to simplify
your dictation workflow. It provides extensive features for not only Authors
and Transcriptionist but IT Administrators as well, which will allow them to
manage and customize their entire user base.
Olympus Dictation Management System (ODMS) allows users to
play, edit and manage their dictations to improve efficiency and increase productivity.
In order to support the various business styles ODMS comes
in Standalone Mode and Workgroup Mode.
ODMS Standalone Mode
ODMS Standalone mode is designed to support Small and Medium
Workflow Environment. These types of
environments typically do not have a requirement for centralized management and
deployment. Standalone mode is better suited to smaller network environment
where dictations are likely to be stored on a single server/host machine or
e-mailed to the transcriptionist.
ODMS Workgroup Mode
ODMS Workgroup mode is designed to support Medium and Large
environments. In Workgroup environment software and hardware settings can be
centrally managed by the Administrator. Typically this installation mode would
serve a large amount of users who transfer files to multiple servers or send
files from multiple locations.
ODMS Standalone Mode and
Workgroup mode are available in two different modules as well. The Dictation
Module and Transcription Module.
The Dictation Module can be used by authors so that
dictation files can be easily downloaded and managed. The Standalone Dictation
Module can be configured to be completely automated and once the device is
connected to the PC files will be downloaded automatically.
The Transcription Module is designed to minimize
transcriptionist workload and increase productivity. It allows transcriptionist
to configure their transcription setting including playback control, user
interface, and foot control functions. It can be configured to automatically
open preconfigured templates in word processor and speed up transcription
Dictation Module is supplied with DS-7000 and DS-3500 Digital Voice Recorders.

Find out More about these Professional Digital Recorders:
>>>>OLYMPUS DS7000
>>>> OLYMPUS DS3500
Transcription Module is supplied with the AS-7000 Transcription Kit.

Find out More about this OLYMPUS Professional Transcription Kit
>>>> OLYMPUS AS7000